Many believe that dangerous little pests are found only in the gastrointestinal tract (intestines, liver, spleen) and they are wrong. These evil spirits feel great in our blood, subcutaneous layer, bone tissues, brains!
Hello everyone from Stoletnik! There is a serious conversation ahead about how to cleanse the body of parasites that prevent us from living well. We are preparing a herbal powder, which will help to radically solve the problem of cleaning the body of worms.

What harm do parasites do to the body?
Parasites, worms and other pests affect not only our life, but also its duration. They have a significant negative impact on health, behavior, and mood. It seems that there are no diseases, but the state is altered with migraines, headaches, unwillingness to do something (some take it for laziness, in vain).
Pests do their destructive work on our bodies. It is important to use the popular natural remedy for parasites, which will be discussed twice a year. After that, you will not recognize yourself as new, purified, euphoric and energetic.
We won't talk a word about medicine in this article. There are many drugs, but little sense. Only this powerful recipe for parasites can significantly cleanse the body.
Mother nature has long ensured that with the help of herbs we are healthy, rejuvenated and beautiful. The recipe is harmless and will work. It will affect life dramatically.

Better to clean the parasites with natural remedies.
We are beginning to manufacture a popular antiparasitic agent that will help cleanse the body of parasites and worms. It is easy to do.
I recommend getting a coffee grinder if you don't have one on the farm. And even buy herbs that are in the pharmacy.
- Dried bitter wormwood.
- Tansy flowers.
- Flax seeds.
- Carnation.
- Dill (in the supermarket, if you have yours, the better).
Let's characterize some herb in the recipe, p. Eg its action on an antiparasitic agent.
In general, the herb kills parasites, prevents them from mutating (in blood, muscle and bone tissues, etc. ). This is your main job. Here they are, our friends!
Flax seedsCleaning the decomposition products that are formed after the vital activity of reptiles in the body and carcasses.
Carnationkills the eggs of worms within us.
dillrestores everything the parasites managed to destroy.
We grind all the herbs in a coffee grinder, so it is easier to mix them.
I draw your attention to the fact that wormwood, cloves and tansy are stored for a long time, unlike flax seeds, which are made only once. The seed, protected by the shell, in the powder will combine with oxygen and oxidize. The product will lose its properties. Its quality working period is only 12 hours after grinding. This is a small but very significant note about flaxseed.
Cook for 1 serving:
- wormwood and tansy, 1 teaspoon each;
- flaxseed - ½ teaspoon;
- cloves - 1, 5 buds;
- dill - 1 tsp.
It takes 10 seconds for the herbs to powder in the grinder. It is no longer worth it. We pour everything into a bowl.
How to use herbal deworming powder
The powder is consumed 30 minutes before meals. To do this, you need to pour clean water into a glass. We collect the finished substance in a dry tablespoon and send it to the mouth. We wash it with a glass of water. Consume for at least 10 days. Take the course twice a year.
Pay attention! If you have any stomach problems such as peptic ulcers, it is important to take the powder after a meal within half an hour.
As you can see, the method is straightforward. Little by little you can get used to bitterness. Also, it has a good effect on the liver.
As you begin to cleanse your body of parasites, your quality of life will begin to improve.
Let me remind you that the destruction of pests from the food we eat is practically nil. Even if they are well washed or processed. It is impossible to get rid of them completely. The recipe is both preventive and purifying.
Stay healthy and don't let unwanted neighbors populate your body. We learned how to cleanse your body of parasites. Remember this weapon, natural and effective, given by nature.